• Cooking Light,  Fish,  Food,  Fruit,  Healthy,  Meat

    Ancho Chile Surf & Turf

    Well hello! How are you all on this Wednesday morning? I am tiiirrreeedddd. Bikram kicked my butt and then I got up before 5am to do my morning work out, so I am draggin’ today. There was some serious storm moving through last night though, some tree branches and things were down on the raods this morning on the commute into work. My prayers are with the family and friends of those in the Midwest that had the storms come through and caused significant damage. Those big storms are so unexpected most of the time and cause so much damage, it is really scary. Stay safe everyone! In other brighter…

  • Cooking Light,  Dessert,  Food,  Fruit

    Lemon Scented Blueberry Muffincake

    Happy Friday everyone!! I hope that you all have had a lovely week. Mine has seemed like the longest week on the planet. Not really sure why. Ever have one of those? Nothing about it was any different than normal, just was a long ass week. In other news! We have a winner for my Giveaway!! If you haven’t seen it…I was given the opportunity to try out a new product for Morningstar and I was really pleased with how they turned out. So congratulations to: Ramona @ Curry and Comfort I will be contacting you via email 🙂 Today I sharing with you a recipe that was kind of…

  • Breakfast,  Fruit,  Healthy

    Blue Cornmeal Waffles

    Happy hump day! First off, I wanted to say to anyone who had someone at the Boston Marathon that was involved in the truly horrible acts that occurred, you are in my prayers. I won’t go on a long preach sesh about how terrible it was, even though it was…just know that you have my thoughts and prayers with you. I was very lucky that all my friends that were there are safe ♥ Anyways, so how is your Wednesday going? Mine started off with a workout and then off to a lovely day of work and will conclude with some laziness on the couch this evening. Living the dream…

  • Cooking Light,  Fish,  Food,  Healthy,  Seafood,  Vegetables

    Roasted Shrimp and Broccoli

    Well hello! I am back from Portugal! I have been MIA this past week, which I do apologize for. Portugal was very much different than I thought it would be. It was a bit rainy and a tad bit chilly for my taste, but we did go at a bad time of year. Can’t really complain too much since the trip was pretty inexpensive since Patrick had to work over there. Since Patrick was working, during the days I spent most of my time wandering around the streets of Setubal, drinking tons of “café”, which is not coffee it is espresso. Honestly, it was my favorite part of the trip.…

  • Chicken,  Cooking Light,  Healthy,  Vegetables

    Provençale Chicken

    Hello everyone, how is life treating ya? I have to say I am pretty stressed. We had a rather unfortunate occurrence at our house this past weekend which really put a damper on the week. We came home to some lovely water damage in our powder room, yea the one I showed you guys before that was completely done. The ceiling is not salvageable. Which means taking down the ceiling, replacing the drywall, redoing the plastering, priming and painting and potentially having to redo the crown molding and caulking that is already been done. How did that happen you ask? Well, remember how I told you about how we were…

  • Cooking Light,  Food,  Fun,  Healthy,  Soup,  Spicy,  Vegetables

    Black Bean Soup with Poblano Corn Pudding

    So I had to give my ring up…. 🙁 Before you get too upset, it is because I needed it re-sized, but I still didn’t want to give it up haha It is amazing how quickly I got used to that pretty thing being on my ring finger  🙂 I have also determined that where I work is not conducive to my super sparkly ring. These florescent lights do nothing for me. Do you think that is a viable reason to quit? haha Because I kind of do 😉 It has officially been a week since Patrick and I got engaged. Can you tell that I am still excited? Haha…

  • Cooking Light,  Food,  Spicy

    Pad Thai

    Happy Friday!! Ok first off….really snow?? There is 2″ of snow where I work and guess how much I got at our house? ummmm about 13″ and the same at my parents place. They are out of town for 2 weeks, so Patrick and I have 2 driveways to clean that have 13″ of snow on them and there is less than 2″ on the ground 20 miles away…really mother nature? Really. Second off… I have a question for all of you out there that are married/engaged… Did people ask you when the wedding was like less than 12 hours after you got engaged? Patrick and I have now been…

  • Bread,  Food,  Healthy,  Vegetables

    Caramelized Onion, Arugula, Bacon & Egg Sandwich

    OK…is it just me or is it rather surprising that it is already March?? I have to admit, I am a little freaked out. Well, maybe “freaked” out isn’t the right word. Just seems as though February didn’t even happen haha. Oh hey February, oh bye February. I have a feeling that March is going to fly by as well. However this is Patrick’s Birthday month! How fitting for this recipe today as well. Patrick has the ability to make very simple things very entertaining for himself. For example the word Arugula… I don’t think Patrick has ever said Arugula without saying it as “AHHHH- REWWW-GAHH-LA”. ::blank stare:: Believe me…

  • Cooking Light,  Dessert,  Food,  Healthy

    Polka Dot Fudgy Brownies

    So apparently I never posted this recipe! No idea why, but I think it is worthy of getting posted that is for sure. I have to say that brownies are probably one of my favorite goodies. Something about those ooey gooey chocolate squares just make my heart melt. Which can be a problem… Like most women, I want to have those ooey gooey brownies, but I don’t want to go up a pant size. Not to mention it is Lent right now and I am still on my no sweets diet…for at least another couple weeks haha All of you know my quest to be healthy, and you all know…

  • Bread,  Cooking Light,  Food,  Healthy

    Banana Bread

    Happy hump day How’s the week going? My week has been rather busy. Lots of things going on. The guy who came in to do our second floor refinishing is here this week. Patrick and I are having him match the floor that we bought to replace the first floor wood. So far it looks really nice. Pictures to come. I think he should be done taking all our money by this weekend. We are going with dark color and I couldn’t be happier about it. Something about dark floors with really nice colonial white molding is so elegant and pleasing to my eye. In the end, I know it…

  • Breakfast,  Food,  Healthy

    Bittersweet Chocolate Scones

    Happy Valentine’s Day! I hope you all are having a lovely Valentine’s day! Filled with lots of love, flowers and CHOCOLATE! 😉 I must admit that I am not much of a Valentine’s day kind of girl. With me, I would much rather someone do something for me just because and not because you are “supposed” to on Valentine”s day. Don’t get me wrong, I think it is adorable when people end up doing things creative and unique for one another. For me Valentine’s day is always right around the beginning of Lent. Around this time, I spend a couple days thinking about what it is that I should be…

  • Appetizer,  Food,  Healthy

    Pigs in a Blanket

    OK, so did everyone hear about this massive storm the Northeast is supposed to at the end of this week? They are calling for a potential foot of snow?! Holy shmokes! Now, I love me some snow…believe me. People think I am insane but I love snow. The part that I don’t like is the commute when there is snow. I love the Northeast… but I hate New England drivers. I have had my fair share of bad driver states. First it was in Kansas City and we always used to yell at the bad drives, “GO BACK TO MISSOURI!”…clearly I was from the Kansas side of KC haha. Then…