• Breakfast,  Cooking Light,  Food,  Healthy

    Baked Eggs

    Well hello strangers!! I have been SO busy this month, my poor blog has gotten ignored. I have been keeping up with all of you though. So many delicious recipes this month from everything, bravo! The month of August has been TONS of traveling for me. Both work and pleasure. At the beginning of the month Patrick and I went to San Diego to attend his cousins wedding, which was so much fun. We were able to hang out in the San Diego and then La Jolla. It was a much needed break from working and we got to do so many fun things. We went to the San Diego…

  • Bread,  Cooking Light,  Food,  Fun,  Muffins,  Vegetables

    Lemon Zucchini Muffins

    My Blog is turning 3 today!! Can you believe that?! I cannot believe that I have been blogging for 3 years. So many recipes, so many new friends, so many opportunities. I would never have thought 3 years ago that the blog would become such a big part of my life but it has. People that I never would have thought of paying attention to things like a food blog, talk to me about my recipes or about the content that I write about. Just wow! Throughout the 3 years I have been amazed at the interest, support and overall love I have gotten with this blog. I wanted to…

  • Cooking Light,  Food,  Healthy,  Vegetables

    Baked Tomatoes with Corn and Goat Cheese

    Happy Monday! How is your Monday going? Did you have a nice weekend? My weekend was full of master bathroom remodeling and purchasing… ::blank look:: Which basically means, I am poor. Haha, bathroom remodels are expensive! Holy shmokes. We are limited in our space for the master bath. It isn’t a very large bathroom so we are trying to maximize our space. We currently have a whirlpool in our bathroom and it literally takes up half the room…eeeekk! So we are going to adjust that and remove the whirlpool and put something that in that is going to save a butt-load of space in that tiny area (about 10″). I…

  • Cooking Light,  Food,  Healthy,  Vegetables

    Squash Croquettes

    Happy Friday!!! Who else is excited that it is Friday? This week has been unusually busy for me at work, not to mention my parents and Patrick have been traveling so I am left with all the chores at 2 houses…. ::blank look:: I am worn out haha. Tonight is going to be me, sitting on my ass in front of the television doing nothing. Granted I will probably cook something prior to that. Shocking. I know. Not really sure what I am going to make or what I am going to watch, but it is going to happen. Gizzy (Mr. BunBun) are gonna have a nice and relaxing night.…

  • Appetizer,  Cooking Light,  Food,  Healthy,  Vegetables

    Baked Zucchini Chips

    Good Wednesday morning my friends! How has your week been thus far? Good? Terrible? Mine has been…well, there. haha {{A couple of administrative items first}} #1 Please don’t forget that I am running a contest with Dishversity right now and you could win The Science of Good Cooking cookbook and a 7-piece Le Creuset cooking utensil set. The rules on how to enter the contest have changed a little so make sure you go on over and check it out!! However, I will explain here too. If you join Dishversity, you will get 1 entry into the contest to win the items. If you make a recipe of mine from…

  • Cooking Light,  Fish,  Food,  Fruit,  Healthy,  Meat

    Ancho Chile Surf & Turf

    Well hello! How are you all on this Wednesday morning? I am tiiirrreeedddd. Bikram kicked my butt and then I got up before 5am to do my morning work out, so I am draggin’ today. There was some serious storm moving through last night though, some tree branches and things were down on the raods this morning on the commute into work. My prayers are with the family and friends of those in the Midwest that had the storms come through and caused significant damage. Those big storms are so unexpected most of the time and cause so much damage, it is really scary. Stay safe everyone! In other brighter…

  • Breakfast,  Fruit,  Healthy

    Blue Cornmeal Waffles

    Happy hump day! First off, I wanted to say to anyone who had someone at the Boston Marathon that was involved in the truly horrible acts that occurred, you are in my prayers. I won’t go on a long preach sesh about how terrible it was, even though it was…just know that you have my thoughts and prayers with you. I was very lucky that all my friends that were there are safe ♥ Anyways, so how is your Wednesday going? Mine started off with a workout and then off to a lovely day of work and will conclude with some laziness on the couch this evening. Living the dream…

  • Cooking Light,  Fish,  Food,  Healthy,  Seafood,  Vegetables

    Roasted Shrimp and Broccoli

    Well hello! I am back from Portugal! I have been MIA this past week, which I do apologize for. Portugal was very much different than I thought it would be. It was a bit rainy and a tad bit chilly for my taste, but we did go at a bad time of year. Can’t really complain too much since the trip was pretty inexpensive since Patrick had to work over there. Since Patrick was working, during the days I spent most of my time wandering around the streets of Setubal, drinking tons of “café”, which is not coffee it is espresso. Honestly, it was my favorite part of the trip.…

  • Breakfast,  Food,  Healthy

    Bittersweet Chocolate Scones

    Happy Valentine’s Day! I hope you all are having a lovely Valentine’s day! Filled with lots of love, flowers and CHOCOLATE! 😉 I must admit that I am not much of a Valentine’s day kind of girl. With me, I would much rather someone do something for me just because and not because you are “supposed” to on Valentine”s day. Don’t get me wrong, I think it is adorable when people end up doing things creative and unique for one another. For me Valentine’s day is always right around the beginning of Lent. Around this time, I spend a couple days thinking about what it is that I should be…

  • Appetizer,  Food,  Healthy

    Pigs in a Blanket

    OK, so did everyone hear about this massive storm the Northeast is supposed to at the end of this week? They are calling for a potential foot of snow?! Holy shmokes! Now, I love me some snow…believe me. People think I am insane but I love snow. The part that I don’t like is the commute when there is snow. I love the Northeast… but I hate New England drivers. I have had my fair share of bad driver states. First it was in Kansas City and we always used to yell at the bad drives, “GO BACK TO MISSOURI!”…clearly I was from the Kansas side of KC haha. Then…

  • Healthy,  Snacks

    Crunchy Chocolate Hazelnut Sandwich

    Hello my dears!! Happy New Year! It has been a while since I have posted. I have been enjoying the holidays and have had a couple dance performances but things are starting to wind down a little now. So hopefully you will be seeing more of me 🙂 I have some exciting news for you all though… I have just recently become a member of the Cooking Light Bloggers’ Connection. Which means I am featured on their website among lots of other really talented bloggers. This came totally out of the blue for me and was SUCH a nice surprise for the holidays. The email came right before Christmas and…

  • Food,  Fun,  Healthy,  Spicy,  Vegetables

    WDD – Healthy Four Bean Chili

    Hello all!! I have been lucky enough to take part in Carolyn’s Diabetes awareness post and I couldn’t be happier to help raise some awareness. Please check out his post from Carolyn over at All Day I Dream About Food. If you do not know Carolyn, now is the time! She makes the most amazing things and all of them are low carb. I don’t know how she does it, but she is an inspiration! She is also a hosting KitchenAid giveaway (blue in honour of diabetes awareness), go on over and check it out! One of the reasons that I really wanted to get involved with this post to…