• Burgers,  Cooking Light,  Food,  Fruit,  Healthy,  Meat

    Turkey Burgers with Cranberry-Apple Relish

    Happy Hump Day! I have a confession… With the wedding coming up, still in full force renovating Patrick’s and my home, traveling…I am just distracted. My life has been a bit of a whirl wind lately and because of that I have had to take a step back from things to try and remain sane. Having to not be involved in some of the things that I love to do! Which is really hard for me. Like this little blog here. She has gotten neglected. Not because I don’t love her so, I do! It’s just. My priorities have shifted a bit. Sheesh, why didn’t someone tell me that Weddings…

  • Cookies,  Dessert,  Food,  Fun

    Pumpkin Spice Rice Krispie Treats

    Hello my lovelies! Has been a while since I have posted something, but life kind of got in the way. I know you hear me out there. I had some family issues pop up which made it very hard for me to get any kind of cooking done. I won’t give you the details since it won’t do anything but make you sad. No need for that. Just if you get a spare moment, send a prayer towards my family if you can. We would gladly take all the prayers/positive thoughts we can get. So it is Fall huh? Finally my most favorite season is HERE. Lots of colorful leaves…

  • Bread,  Food,  Fruit

    Orange Scented Buttermilk Scones

    I feel like I haven’t posted in like a week…wait, I haven’t! haha…things have been SO busy! Thanksgiving was wonderful and very low key, which I enjoyed VERY much. I was able to enjoy it with my parents, Patrick, and some of our neighbors and it was a very lovely, and stuffed, Thanksgiving. I also was able to meet Patrick’s bother and his wife. We went out for dinner in NYC. Very interesting place we went to called the Gotham Bar & Grill. A tad on the expensive side (*ahem* with tip about $600 for 4 people, just a TAD on the expensive side 😉 ). It was really nice…