• Fish,  Food,  Fun,  Healthy,  Spicy,  Vegetables

    Spicy Louisiana Tilapia Fillets with Sautéed Veggie Relish

    I am here to inform you that Kristin’s wedding was a blast! She was just the prettiest bride and everything seemed to go so very smoothly for her. I am so happy for her! 😀 Patrick and I had a great time! We definitely enjoyed all the food and danced the entire night which is always a good time. I promised that I would show a picture of my dress so here it is! I personally think the best part of my outfit was my hair…I went to get it done at my salon for the first time for a wedding. I NEVER do that, don’t ask why because I…

  • Breakfast,  Food,  Fruit

    Apple Pocket Tarts

    You guys are awesome! Another Top 9. I am just blown away. Thanks bunch for buzzing my Apple Bread!! I have been on a bit of an apple kick lately. There are in season you know? Not to mention I love apples…LOVE them. Like I have before, I have an apple every single day. What is that saying “an apple a day, keeps the doctor away”? Something like that anyways. I always end up getting on these kicks with different ingredients and then make a ton of things with that one ingredient. I mean did you SEE all the pumpkin things I made? Not to mention the blueberry recipes…I wanted…

  • Dessert,  Food,  Fruit,  Fun

    Nectarine & Blueberry Cobbler

    Thank you again for the Top 9 on my Wedding Cake Cookies!! Wow guys, thank you! That just makes my day to come into work and have a notification from Foodbuzz. You foodies are the best ever! 😀 I am very much so looking forward to the weekend. This has been a very difficult and hectic week for me so to have a few days off is going to be JUST what I need. I am sure as always the weekend will fly by, but at least it is at the beginning of it right now. I am also looking forward to spending some quality time with Patrick because he…

  • Dessert,  Food,  Fun

    Salted Caramel Brownies

    Thank you SO much everyone for the Top 9 on my Pan-Fried Tilapia with Tomato and Basil Sauté today! What an awesome notification to get in the morning when you don’t want to get up because you are comfy and warm in your bed haha. 🙂 Thank you! You guys are awesome! I have to admit that I am really excited because tomorrow… Why do you ask? Well, I am going to a dinner at Rosedale Farms with Patrick. It is a dinner that one of the restaurant groups in Hartford is sponsoring. There is tons of things that go on at these events including farm tours, wine tastings, and…

  • Fish,  Food,  Healthy,  Vegetables

    Pan-Fried Tilapia with Tomato Basil Sauté

    I finally broke down…and joined Twitter. Haha…I have had people telling me for like ever and day to join Twitter, so I finally did it. I have NO idea what I am doing or what I need to do or really even how to post anything but I am sure I will find out shortly. If you want to follow me I have a link at the top of my page, right next to the Facebook and RSS feed button. I least know how to do that much! Haha or you can follow me by clicking on my Follow button on Foodbuzz. Like I said…I have NO idea what I…

  • Food,  Fruit,  Healthy,  Muffins

    Peach Blueberry Muffins

    I am SO glad it is the weekend. What a week! I know I know…I say that ALL the time. But this week…really, what a frekkin’ week. Between SUPER DUPER stress at work from being gone from traveling and interviewing for positions and then getting in an accident. Just need a break! So I cannot tell you how happy I am that I am getting some much needed rest. So nice to be able to not do anything sometimes you know? This weekend will be full of football watching (Go PSU, Chiefs, and Steelers!) and baking I am sure. I have this recipe I want to try that I am…

  • Fish,  Food,  Healthy,  Vegetables

    Maple-Lemon Glazed Salmon with Feta Quinoa

    I tell ya, when it rains it pours! I have been SO busy at work pretty much the entire year but this past month it has gotten exceptionally bad. With people leaving and new people starting in my group it has been really hard to get my usual day-to-day work done. On top of traveling for work and the workload I am just burnt out! To add to that…I got into a accident yesterday on my way home from the gym :-(…not fun at all!! Just goes to show how much I hate New England drivers haha. I am fine, a couple bumps and bruises and slight neck pain. The…

  • Cookies,  Dessert,  Food

    Chocolate Shortbread Cookies

    What a week!! I just got back from traveling for work last night and I am SO exhausted. I went to West Virginia and Virginia to see some customers and try and tell them about my company’s new products. Let me tell you…I will NEVER go to West Virginia again unless I am forced. You need a passport to go down there! No lie, I thought I was stepping into the movie Deliverance. You know with the creepy kid playing the bango?? GAH! So weird haha. Sorry for anyone who lives in West Virigina, but man the place I was in I will never go back to haha. Good news…

  • Breakfast,  Cake,  Food,  Fun

    Rainbow Sprinkle Donuts

    I did it!! People I did it! Finally, I have been talking for months and months to so many of you about how I wanted to make donuts and I finally did it! Thank goodness I made them before the hurricane came through my town though. We have been without power now for 3 days. Which means, no cooking and no showering :-(. My sweet lion was nice enough to let me come over and get a shower in yesterday…thank goodness for that! This is what it looked like on either end of the street I live on…trees are down everywhere in the Northeast. From the sounds of it, the…

  • Food,  Fruit,  Healthy,  Muffins

    Spiced Blueberry Muffins

    Alllmost Friday…alllmost Friday…I am so ready for the weekend. For 2 reasons really, 1. well, it is the weekend and who doesn’t love the weekend? 2. I will get to see my lion (Patrick)! Travel has kept us apart this week, and this week has suuuure been a long one. I have a feeling the weeks are going to get even longer too because one of my co-workers gave his 2 weeks notice on Monday so that means more work for me. Yikes! I feel like I am already running at full throttle… In other news, I get to see one of my best friends Tamara in 2 weeks! I…

  • Fish,  Food,  Fruit,  Healthy,  Vegetables

    Tilapia with Pineapple Salsa

    This week is supplier week at work, which means BUSY! Our company has all our suppliers come in this week for a trade show and then a golf tournament for fun and to also show our appreciation for them doing business with us. It makes for a very chaotic and choppy week. Interruptions and supplier dinners all week long haha. Needless to say, I am ready for the weekend already. Which will include MORE demo on my parents house… This past winter when there was so much snow in New England my parents ended up having a TON of water damage from the ice on the roof. So, they are…

  • Fish,  Food,  Fruit,  Spicy,  Vegetables

    Chipotle-Rubbed Salmon Tacos with Apple-Cucumber Salsa

    Happy Thursday! The week is almost over friends…I am particularly looking forward to this weekend because one of best friends is going to be in NYC this weekend and I am going to go and see her :-D!!!! This is my Kait and I….hehe. We are complete goofs and I love it. We are always doing something silly, saying something silly, or making other people do silly things. haha 😉 Kait and I met when we were both attending Penn State University as undergrads. We were both a part of the University Dance Company and that is where our friendship really began. Ever since then I have considered Kait to…