
Tag! You’re it!

I got tagged by Alison with these questions and I wanted to keep the game going…here is how it works, I answer the 8 questions Alison came up with, create 8 of my own, then tag 8 others to answer them! So here it goes….

8 questions:
1) What inspired you to start a blog?

It was one of my friends from college who inspired me to start. She has the greatest blog with the most amazing pictures, check her out at Kristastes on The idea of having a blog never really appealed to me, in all honesty. I never really saw myself as a blogger, but when I saw her blog and how awesome it was, not to mention the fact that I LOVE to cook…I just started it. And now here I am 🙂

2) What is your all time favorite food to eat?

Oh my, what a toughie! Favorite food….hmmm, that would have to be carrots. I have an earlier post about how when I was little I turned orange because I ate so many (true story). I like them cooked, raw, in cakes, muffins, anything. So yea, carrots.

3) If you could take a trip anywhere in the world where would it be?

Hands down, no question, it would be Ireland. I have always wanted to go and I have not gone yet, but I will someday!
4) Who would play you in a movie of your life?

Haha, wow what an interesting question! The first person who popped into my head was Rachel McAdams. Not really sure why, but we will go with her.

5) What has been your worst kitchen or cooking disaster?

My worst kitchen disaster was actually not in the kitchen it was on a grill. The first time that I tried to make grilled pizza was an absolute horrific scene! Since it was my first time, I didn’t know that you needed to grill the dough first and THEN put on the toppings. The pizza went on with all the toppings and everything straight on the fire and MAN, was it a fire! haha! Let’s just say the people at the grocery store saw me twice that day in about an hour, hehe 😉

6) What is your favorite restaurant?

My favorite restaurant is a placed called Gates BBQ and it is located in Kansas City, Missouri. It is seriously the BEST bbq you will ever have. The bbq sauce is to die for! Forreals. It is by no means a fancy restaurant. You walk in and they yell “MAY I HELP YOUU?!“..even if they have another customer with them at the time. Then you have your options of  Beef on Bun, Pork on Bun, Chicken on Bun, and some other goodies. They ask you if you want it “dry or wet” (with or without sauce). It comes with your choice of sides. Mine is always the baked beans and coleslaw. YUM! Best restaurant ever! I am making my mouth water just thinking about it, haha!

7) What will you do for yourself today?

Today I will go to the gym for myself because that makes me feel good.

8 ) What will you do today to “pay something forward” or “random act of kindness”?

My act of kindness today is helping out a co-worker who is really stressed because his counterpart is out for 2 weeks. Small act of showing that you care and that kindness is still around goes a long way. It really does.

Here are my 8 questions:
1) What is your favorite time of year? and why?
2) What was the most recent concert you went to?
3) What was your best cooking experience in the past few months?
4) If you could meet anyone in the entire world, who would it be?
5) What is your dream job?
6) What is your favorite joke of all time?
7) Are you someone who can eat food cold?
8 ) Who do you enjoy cooking with the most?

Here are the 8 bloggers I’m tagging:

Please leave me a comment to let me know once you’ve answered the questions! Lastly, I understand that this game is not for everyone, so if you choose not to do this, that’s alright! Feel free to leave your answers even if you aren’t listed in the 8….I would love to hear your answers! Happy Thursday everyone!

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    • RavieNomNoms

      You are verrry welcome! I was going to put a link to your blog in there but I didn’t want to without asking your permission first haha, so if you are cool with it..I will link your blog to that post. Thanks for the inspiration to start the blog 😉 Haha, I WISH I was Rachel McAdams, shes gooorgeous 🙂

  • Yesim

    hmm i like the game:))
    here s my replies;
    1-) What is your favorite time of year? and why?
    i like may , istanbul has a plenty time around 20-25 degree and i like that weather..

    2) What was the most recent concert you went to?
    it s been sometime thta i didnt go to a concert actually but latest i went Goran Bregović concert.

    3) What was your best cooking experience in the past few months?
    honestly already i ve started recent months to cook:) and all foods i put my blog i cook them 1st time and i m quite succesful with all of them , i will not be so humble about it:))

    4) If you could meet anyone in the entire world, who would it be?
    hmm.. i think i love George Clooney, i d vote for him:)

    5) What is your dream job?
    smth i ll never have to sit behind pc, it ll let me to travel all around the world and meet a lot of different people and share..

    6) What is your favorite joke of all time?
    hmmm tuff question , i pass this , i dont remember:)

    7) Are you someone who can eat food cold?
    i love to eat and sometimes i m so lazy to heat the food and i d not mind to eat cold:)

    8 ) Who do you enjoy cooking with the most?
    i didnt cook with a lot of people, my only compony is my mum for now:) and i enjoy cooking with her

  • Lindsey@FreshAir+FreshFood

    Oh fun! I’m in Ravie! Thanks for the tag and I’ll let you know when I post. By the way, love your pizza bon fire . . . on a grill:-) And don’t feel bad about the grocery store – I visit frequently too, but it’s for the kids’ free cookies! That’s my clever scam so I don’t have to buy junk food!