• Fun

    The Versatile Blogger Award

    Wow! Thank you so much! I was awarded the Versatile Blogger Award by Mandy at The Complete Cook Book and Ramona at Curry and Comfort. Thank you so much to both of you! I am so very honored that you considered me for this award. You have made my week! 🙂 In acceptance of the award, the rules are: to thank the person / people who awarded you by linking back to their post to list 7 interesting things about yourself to pass the award on to 15 other new or newly discovered blogs My 7 interesting facts: My favorite food in the whole world is carrots. Yes, believe it! I ALWAYS…

  • Cookies,  Dessert,  Food

    Swag Bars

    Don’t holiday weekends always seem to fly by quicker than regular weekends? I swear every time there is a holiday week I feel like the time just FLIES by. I had a fabulous holiday weekend! I hung out with friends and had family friends from Kansas City come to visit. It was a weekend full of food, drinks, love, and sun! Couldn’t have asked for a better weekend if I had tried. I will make sure to post some pictures from the visit from the Ellenburger’s! It was SO great to see you guys! We miss you like crazy! 🙂 Now I call these Swag Bars because, well look at…

  • Cookies,  Food,  Fruit

    Lemon-Honey Drop Cookies

    Well, we had a very brief few days of sun and now we are back to the cloudy dreary weather of the Northeast. I am ready for some sunny days people!! The Hot Lunch show was SO much fun! haha…I cannot even tell you how excited I was to watch those boys up on stage. I was even dedicated a song! Woooo! 😀 The lead singer Higgins takes a break and says “This next song is for one of our friends Raven, Raven where are you?” ::throws up arms and screams:: “AHHHH RIGHT HERE!!!” …they then proceeded to play my most favorite song of theirs called Thumbs up. I talked…

  • Food

    Turkey Sausage Quiche

    It’s Friday Friday…gotta get down on Friiiiday! Have you not heard this song?? If not check out Rebecca Black’s video here. Was like a huge internet sensation I guess haha. Pretty funny actually. I have this radio morning show that I listen to by podcast from Philly. For those of you who are from the Philly area, I love Preston and Steve!! I am so upset that I can’t listen to them live everyday, but I download the podcasts and listen every single morning. They are the ones who introduced me to this video haha. Fridaaayyyy! ::dances:: It is pretty horrible. 😉 I can’t tell you how happy I am…

  • Dessert,  Food,  Fruit,  Muffins

    Raspberry Shortcake…Well, sort of.

    I have a confession… I am totally excited about Friday! Why you ask?? Well, because a band named Hot Lunch is playing at a bar named Maximum Capacity in Chicopee, Mass. Did you just say hot lunch? YES I DID! It is a local band that I come to know and love. They however have not had a show in a very long time so I am so excited to go out and support them this Friday. I even talked to 3 of the band members on this past Saturday putting in my requests for their playlist, haha. I’ll be the one down in front dancing around singing at the…

  • Chicken,  Food,  Spicy,  Vegetables

    Chicken Tacos with Cilantro Slaw and Avocado Cream

    I started my weekend off right this past week…yup, that’s right…with cocktails! I know a lot of you saw my delicious cocktail picture on book of faces at precisely 6:31pm Friday night. I was lucky enough to take the afternoon off from work last Friday and take a nice bike ride. I am SO glad that I did that too because like you read in my post yesterday, it is supposed to rain for the next 6 days… 🙁 . I am very happy that I was able to get out and enjoy the last of the sunshine for a while. Anyways, to celebrate the gorgeously warm weather…what better cocktail…

  • Food,  Fruit,  Healthy,  Muffins

    Lemon Glazed Blueberry Muffins

    Good dreary Monday morning to you all! New England has a forecast of about 6 straight days of rain…I mean I know it is Spring and Mother Nature tends to like rain around this time of year, but 6 straight days of rain is just plain brutal. The only good part about it being so wet, cold, and rainy outside is that I get to stay inside any make lots of goodies. I know most people really hate rainy days and while I am not a huge fan; I can at least appreciate the down time to do things inside the house, like cook/bake! These muffins I made this weekend…

  • Food,  Healthy,  Pasta,  Side Dish,  Vegetables

    Garden Pasta Salad

    Congrats Tino!! He just bought himself a brand new 2011 Hyundai Sonata, fully loaded SE 2.0T,  and traded in his Ford Explorer. His exploder as we called it! He is a hard core Ford guy so I have to say I was very shocked when he decided on the Sonata, but the car is really beautiful and certainly is going to get him better gas mileage than the exploder. Although, I know he will miss his big car…but I am SO proud of him for buying his first *new* car (you know how that goes, owning lots of cars in your lifetime but never a *new* car)! In spirit of…

  • Fish,  Food,  Fruit,  Spicy

    Spicy Chipotle Grilled Shrimp with Pineapple

    What a perfect weekend! It was sunny and there was lots celebrating! Tino’s grandmother turned 95 this weekend!! How amazing is that?! She is such a pistol too, hehe. Even at 95 she is still sneaky, she was able to get a taste of her cake without ANYONE, besides me but I wouldn’t dare say a word ;-), seeing her (you know the sneaky finger in icing trick, haha). I was also able to celebrate a fabulous Mother’s Day with my mom. Every year it is our tradition to go to her favorite farm and to pick out all her vegetables, spices, flowers, etc. for her garden my treat! Then…

  • Cake,  Dessert,  Food

    Marble Cake with Chocolate Frosting

    The bake sale was a complete success!! The girls and I were able to raise over $700!! Which is so incredible! Thank you all sooooo much for donating and being so unbelievably generous. We are all so overwhelmed by everyone’s generosity. Some more fun that the girls and I are taking part in is doing a fundraiser through Pampered Chef. Yup that’s right!! All sorts of AWESOME stuff that you can get it is amazing. Check out this link—> Support Ravie through Pampered Chef. If you click on that link it will take you to the rep’s personal page that is sponsoring the event for us. If you would like…

  • Cake,  Cookies,  Dessert

    Bake Sale for Breast Cancer Walk!

    Hiiii there everyone!! I hope you all are having a fabulous week so far! Mine has been SO busy, which to tell you the truth I kind of prefer. Becky’s Bake Sale was a complete success!! She raised $660 for the American Cancer Society through it! I am so proud of her she did SUCH a great job putting it together and it seemed to go very well! CONGRATS BECKY! Congrats also to Mr. Stephen Luffy for having the winning bid on my Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Blondies! Speaking of Bake Sales…the team that I am working with to try and walk for the Susan G. Komen 3-Day Walk for…

  • Bread,  Food,  Pizza,  Vegetables

    Ratatouille Pizza

    Happy Monday all! I hope you all had a fabulous weekend. The weather here was so gorgeous, I think Spring may finally be upon us. It was sunny and 70 both days of the weekend and it was truly glorious. Now in true Spring tradition it is supposed to rain the *entire* week :-(. Ah well, at least the weekend was nice and now that I have to be stuck inside for work it will be rainy. Don’t forget to stop by Becky’ s Bake Sale today and check out all the goodies that she has. Everything looks SOOOO yummy!!! Head on over and check it out and make a…