• Cooking Light,  Food,  Fun,  Healthy,  Snacks

    Rosemary Roasted Almonds

    Good Monday Morning. Did you all have a nice weekend? Mine started off with me buying a wedding dress! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! That’s right, this is getting reallllllly real now. My mom and I went to the bridal shop on Friday already having an idea of which dresses to choose from. We had narrowed it down to 2 after my 2nd visit to the shop. I did my hair nicely and had some nice earrings on and actually wore high heels as to get a better idea of what the dress would look like. We went in open minded and I had one other dress I wanted to try but we were…

  • Appetizer,  Cooking Light,  Food,  Fun,  Healthy

    Prosciutto Wrapped Asparagus

    Well hellloooo there! I hope your holidays have been filled with lots of love and cheer thus far.  Mine have been quiet. Spent the majority of my time with my folks. Patrick is in St. Louis visiting family. The past few days have been a chance for me to reflect on the year and also to just sit back and relax. I have had the past week off on vacation. My office has had a mandatory shutdown on holiday weeks this year. Which is good and bad I suppose. It has been nice to be able to sleep in and catch up on some reading. Santa brought my all I…

  • Cookies,  Cooking Light,  Dessert

    Spicy Oatmeal Cookie Crisps

    Something about the smell of cinnamon makes me feel like the holidays are near. Cinnamon just has a warm smell to it and I love putting it in just about everything. Do you have something that comforts you? I just remember the smell of cinnamon permeating my house when I was little. I love everything about cinnamon. It tastes good, smells good, the color is vibrant, but you know what?? It is also good for you. Shut.the.front.door. Who would have thunk? Did you know that cinnamon is actually one of the best spices for you? Hell yes, bring on the cinnamon!! Here a just a few of the benefits of…

  • Breakfast,  Cooking Light,  Food,  Healthy

    Quiche Bites

    Hello Hello! Happy Thursday! This week has FLOWN by, actually…this entire month has flown by. I have been absent a lot of the month due to all the events that have been happening. This past weekend Patrick and I went to NYC to get our engagement pictures taken by my friend Kate Neal. Follow her on Facebook or Instagram. She is amazing! We had such a nice time,  she and John (her hubby) made us feel SO at ease. She showed us a few of the shots while we were taking them, but she did send us one that I wanted to share with you all. How cute is that?!…

  • Chicken,  Food,  Healthy,  Pizza

    Cauliflower Crust Chicken Taco Pizza

    Ok, first I must apologize for my terrible pictures in this post. I am a bad foodie… BUT, I made this after my workout last night and I was starving, I was so hungry that I couldn’t wait to eat it so I just used my phone. Errr, I meeean…the bunny stole my camera and I had to use my phone… Don’t judge me. I have been wanting to try this recipe for Cauliflower Crust from Laura at Sprint2theTable, for like ever. Right Laura? I have been saying for MONTHS, I was going to make it. Went over to Laura’s site, found the ingredients was like oooohhh shoot, no idea…

  • Appetizer,  Cooking Light,  Food,  Healthy,  Meat

    Quinoa Turkey Meatballs

    Well hello! Good Wednesday morning to you all, hope your hump day is treating you well so far. October is going to prove to be a very busy month for Patrick and I, and I have to say I don’t know that I am super excited about it. I am feeling amazed that it is almost the end of September. Holy shmokes where has the time gone?? All of the things that are happening are SO exciting, however it is a jam packed month that is going to leave me feeling like I got spun around in circles. At the beginning of the month we have a friend that is…

  • Dessert,  Food,  Fruit

    Cheesecake Filled Strawberries

    This is about how I feel today… It has been one of those weeks where I am struggling to get my normal tasks done. More so today than normal. Do you have those days? Sometimes all I want to do is curl up with one of these: I love fall time. I cannot wait for leaves and cool mornings and warm days. It is my favorite. Also, in October we will have exactly one year until the wedding. Oh man…I am totally not going to freak out. I do have a recipe to share with you but I wanted to share a story first. This picture below is something that…

  • Breakfast,  Cooking Light,  Food,  Healthy

    Baked Eggs

    Well hello strangers!! I have been SO busy this month, my poor blog has gotten ignored. I have been keeping up with all of you though. So many delicious recipes this month from everything, bravo! The month of August has been TONS of traveling for me. Both work and pleasure. At the beginning of the month Patrick and I went to San Diego to attend his cousins wedding, which was so much fun. We were able to hang out in the San Diego and then La Jolla. It was a much needed break from working and we got to do so many fun things. We went to the San Diego…

  • Bread,  Cooking Light,  Food,  Fun,  Muffins,  Vegetables

    Lemon Zucchini Muffins

    My Blog is turning 3 today!! Can you believe that?! I cannot believe that I have been blogging for 3 years. So many recipes, so many new friends, so many opportunities. I would never have thought 3 years ago that the blog would become such a big part of my life but it has. People that I never would have thought of paying attention to things like a food blog, talk to me about my recipes or about the content that I write about. Just wow! Throughout the 3 years I have been amazed at the interest, support and overall love I have gotten with this blog. I wanted to…

  • Cooking Light,  Food,  Healthy,  Vegetables

    Baked Tomatoes with Corn and Goat Cheese

    Happy Monday! How is your Monday going? Did you have a nice weekend? My weekend was full of master bathroom remodeling and purchasing… ::blank look:: Which basically means, I am poor. Haha, bathroom remodels are expensive! Holy shmokes. We are limited in our space for the master bath. It isn’t a very large bathroom so we are trying to maximize our space. We currently have a whirlpool in our bathroom and it literally takes up half the room…eeeekk! So we are going to adjust that and remove the whirlpool and put something that in that is going to save a butt-load of space in that tiny area (about 10″). I…

  • Appetizer,  Cooking Light,  Food,  Healthy,  Vegetables

    Baked Zucchini Chips

    Good Wednesday morning my friends! How has your week been thus far? Good? Terrible? Mine has been…well, there. haha {{A couple of administrative items first}} #1 Please don’t forget that I am running a contest with Dishversity right now and you could win The Science of Good Cooking cookbook and a 7-piece Le Creuset cooking utensil set. The rules on how to enter the contest have changed a little so make sure you go on over and check it out!! However, I will explain here too. If you join Dishversity, you will get 1 entry into the contest to win the items. If you make a recipe of mine from…

  • Breakfast,  Dessert,  Food,  Fruit

    Blueberry Rolls

    ‘Tis the season for blueberries! Ah yes, b.e.a.utiful blueberries. I am lucky that I never have to purchase blueberries because my mom has about 20 blueberry bushes. Which means that if I want blueberries, there are most likely 14 bags of them in the freezer, some on the bushes, or some on the counter. Spoiled. I know. There are just so many things to do with blueberries though. Shakes, smoothies, muffins, scones, breads, salads, with meats, cakes, ice creams, or just as snacks you pop in your mouth.   Blueberry muffins have to be one of my favorite things in the entire world. I remember coming home to the smell…