• Cooking Light,  Dessert,  Food

    Cocoa-Caramel Bourbon Truffles

    I have had an obsession with learning about Marilyn Monroe lately. For no particular reason, really. Some of you may have noticed towards the bottom of my page, I have Marilyn displayed. That’s because I find her quotes inspirational when I am down. However, in learning about her, I am intrigued by this woman… She was not the bimbo that the media made/makes her out to be. Marilyn was actually a very shy, intelligent, troubled and beautiful woman. I suppose I am so fascinated by her, because I see a lot of myself in her. As I honestly think most women could if they really looked. She loved and was…

  • Bread,  Dessert,  Dining out,  Drinks,  Food,  Fun

    Chocolate Caramel Brownies

    What a weekend! Eclipse Dance Company was all over the place! Our big event, among others this weekend, was the International Festival of Arts and Ideas. We had a 30  minute piece that we put on for the festival and it went really well. 30 minutes of dancing straight through, btdubs. No stopping. Thirty.Minutes.Straight.Through. Whew! It was a warm day as well and the performance was on an outside stage, so it was interesting to say the least. With all of the extra rehearsals we have been pulling this month, 2 sometimes 3 times a week from 9pm-midnight. It has been a very tense and stressful month, but we made…

  • Dessert,  Food,  Fun

    {Guest Post} Organic Cupcakes by Rhiannon

    Hello everyone! Today I am featuring a guest post by one of the ladies in my dance company named Rhiannon. I was always seeing her posting cupcakes on her Facebook page and I was like hey, why not make something for the blog! So enough about me, let’s get to Rhiannon! Sweet Organix:  Taste Great…Less Harm! There are many people in the world who don’t believe that organic food is healthier than the preserved/processed food that we encounter today. People tend to think it lacks flavor. As believers and supporters of organic food, my husband and I try to educate others about the benefits without the lack of taste. Although,…

  • Cooking Light,  Fish,  Food,  Fruit,  Healthy,  Meat

    Ancho Chile Surf & Turf

    Well hello! How are you all on this Wednesday morning? I am tiiirrreeedddd. Bikram kicked my butt and then I got up before 5am to do my morning work out, so I am draggin’ today. There was some serious storm moving through last night though, some tree branches and things were down on the raods this morning on the commute into work. My prayers are with the family and friends of those in the Midwest that had the storms come through and caused significant damage. Those big storms are so unexpected most of the time and cause so much damage, it is really scary. Stay safe everyone! In other brighter…

  • Appetizer,  Food,  Fruit,  Healthy

    Baked Goat Cheese Salad

    Good Monday Morning! How are you all doing? Did you have a good Mother’s day? -OR- Did you spoil your mama? I am on the later half of that. I am not a Mom myself so I spent Mother’s day trying to do my best to spoil my own. Every year my gift for my Mom is to buy her all her vegetable and herb plants for the year. We go to a spot that she has picked out that she really enjoys and she picks out anything and everything that she wants. Not a bad deal if you ask me. Not only does she get to have an amazing…

  • Burgers,  Giveaway,  Healthy,  Vegetables

    Chickpea Burgers and a Giveaway!

    OK all you chickpea lovers, you are going to enjoy what I have for you today! A giveaway! The folks over at MorningStar Farms are launching a new Mediterranean Chickpea Veggie Burger and sent me a cool package to try out the new product and share it all with you! Now, come on who doesn’t love free stuff?? I know I do! The great thing about these babies is that you can customize them any way you like and they are great for summer, but don’t affect your bikini body since they are only 110 calories a piece! #winning Here is what YOUR package would include if you win: Greek-inspired…

  • Appetizer,  Food,  Fruit,  Healthy,  Vegetables

    Two Bean Pineapple Salsa

    Whew! It has been a while! My poor blog has gotten neglected for the past few weeks. Between traveling for work, being sick and the weather being nice enough to make the grass grow…I have been a busy girl! How have you all been? I am hoping well…the nice weather has been really great to have. This winter seemed extremely long. I do love my snow, but I was ready for some sunshine. The one good thing about all the sunshine is that we get some awesome green plants and colorful flowers. I was so happy to see Patrick and my house look so green again. There is something about…

  • Breakfast,  Fruit,  Healthy

    Blue Cornmeal Waffles

    Happy hump day! First off, I wanted to say to anyone who had someone at the Boston Marathon that was involved in the truly horrible acts that occurred, you are in my prayers. I won’t go on a long preach sesh about how terrible it was, even though it was…just know that you have my thoughts and prayers with you. I was very lucky that all my friends that were there are safe ♥ Anyways, so how is your Wednesday going? Mine started off with a workout and then off to a lovely day of work and will conclude with some laziness on the couch this evening. Living the dream…

  • Chicken,  Cooking Light,  Healthy,  Vegetables

    Provençale Chicken

    Hello everyone, how is life treating ya? I have to say I am pretty stressed. We had a rather unfortunate occurrence at our house this past weekend which really put a damper on the week. We came home to some lovely water damage in our powder room, yea the one I showed you guys before that was completely done. The ceiling is not salvageable. Which means taking down the ceiling, replacing the drywall, redoing the plastering, priming and painting and potentially having to redo the crown molding and caulking that is already been done. How did that happen you ask? Well, remember how I told you about how we were…

  • Cake,  Dessert,  Food,  Fun

    Patrick’s Birthday Cake

    So today is Patrick’s 29th birthday! Happy Birthday Patrick! We are celebrating Patrick’s birthday this week. I didn’t plan anything crazy like I did last year. Most of you who read regularly remember that I took him up to Boston for a surprise birthday weekend. We spend the weekend going around the city to museums, art galleries and really delicious restaurants. This year we aren’t doing anything like that. We have a had a lot going on in the past couple weeks, you know getting engaged and all. My family and I are taking him out to dinner this weekend to one of our favorite restaurants J. Gilberts. By far,…

  • Cake,  Food,  Sweet

    Lemon Bourbon Cake Doughnuts

    I saw this recipe over at Chasing Delicious and as soon as I saw it I knew I had to make it. Have you ever been over to Chasing Delicious??           It is always SO much fun and Russell is always doing such creative things. I love that name btdubs. If I ever have a boy, that will be a major contention for his name haha Anyways, I knew I had to try this and let me tell you they were a hit! Unfortunately, I couldn’t partake in them because it is still Lent and I am pretty sure that a doughnut counts as a sweet. Right? I froze some so…

  • Cooking Light,  Food,  Spicy

    Pad Thai

    Happy Friday!! Ok first off….really snow?? There is 2″ of snow where I work and guess how much I got at our house? ummmm about 13″ and the same at my parents place. They are out of town for 2 weeks, so Patrick and I have 2 driveways to clean that have 13″ of snow on them and there is less than 2″ on the ground 20 miles away…really mother nature? Really. Second off… I have a question for all of you out there that are married/engaged… Did people ask you when the wedding was like less than 12 hours after you got engaged? Patrick and I have now been…