• Cookies,  Dessert,  Fun

    Happy Belated 4th America!

    Hey there! I know this is a bit late, *ahem* perhaps a week late. Things have been slightly crazy lately. So forgive me foodies and America for my late posting for my 4th of July cookies 🙂 I am not going to go crazy with this post…I am just going to showcase the lovely cookies I made for my Mom’s 4th of July celebration. It is the usual recipe I use for my sugar cookies and icing. Check it out here. I hope you all had an amazing 4th with whatever you did! Most of you heard about my extravaganza in Boston. Interesting times people, interesting times. Anyways, I am…

  • Fun,  House

    The Renovation Has Begun!

    Welp, we started getting dirty in the house ya’ll. I mean REAL dirty. First project of the new house? REMOVING THE POPCORN CEILINGS. Does anyone else hate these things as much as I do?? They are terrible. Perhaps they were popular at one point, but they are not attractive in any shape or form. Want to know how to remove your popcorn ceilings? It is super easy. Basically all you need to do is PREP really well, make sure you lay down things that will cover up all the surfaces you are worried about getting dirty. Also make sure all your furniture is out of the room. We decided to…

  • Fun,  House

    The Befores

    Hello everyone! Well, here it is, we have a post with all the before pictures of the house. Now bear with me here because there is going to be a lot of them. But hey! You guys wanted to see them right?! There you have it! All the before shots! Mostly of the inside. More of the outside will be coming soon!

  • Dessert,  Food,  Fun

    Lemon Earl Grey Squares

    Hello all!! I am doing a guest post today over at Steph’s Bite by Bite while she is traveling. Go on over and check it out! I am sharing my Lemon Earl Grey Bars. A recipe I picked up from Cooking Light. Shocking I know 😉 I also wanted to give a shout out to my Daddy today! It is his 53rd birthday! He is the best darn Daddy a girl could as for and I am so grateful to have him in my life. Ever since I can remember I have been what you might call a “Daddy’s girl”. I was always helping him with his work outside or…

  • Cookies,  Food,  Fun

    Bachelorette Cookies

    Good Monday Morning to you all! How was your weekend? I am hoping well. Mine always go too fast. Especially when you are doing things. Always seem to go quicker. This weekend was spent mostly celebrating my Mom’s birthday, going to a bachelorette party, and looking for things for the new house. Patrick and I made our first purchase this weekend. A new washer and dryer, since the house didn’t have them. We went to a store closing out sale at Sears and got the appliances for a steal! It was a deal we couldn’t pass up. I have a feeling this purchasing things for the house is never going…

  • Fun

    Friday Fun

    Hello Everyone! Happy Friday! Are you happy it is Friday? Because I am! No joke. I just got back from vacation, which I will get to, and I feel like I need another one already!! Also, big shout out to mama dukes today! It is her 50th birthday! Happy 50th Birthday Mom! Isn’t she pretty? She is one of those people who doesn’t care that she just turned 50 today. She has never really kept track of how old she is, she always forgets actually. I constantly hear, “wait…how old am I again?” haha 😉 In other exciting news… Patrick and I closed on our house! It is official people,…

  • Food,  Fun

    Friday & Florida Bound!

    It’s here!! Tomorrow I leave for Disney and I cannot tell you about how excited I am!! This vacation is so very much so needed. PLUS, I have never been to Disney before so I am just so beside myself with excitement I can barely contain myself. I am totally going to be like a little kid when I get there. No joke. I have been looking through some of the pictures that Patrick took at rehearsal last weekend for the show and saw this one… All throughout the show there were pictures of all the girls and their loved ones, pets, family members that have passed, those kinds of…

  • Fun

    For Someone Who Needs it More Than Me.

    So…it is official all…I cut my hair! This is the 2nd time I have donated my hair…however this time I have donated it to a different charity than I did previously. My first donation quite a few years back when I was in college was for Locks of Love. Which is a non-profit organization that provides hairpieces to financially disadvantaged children in the United States and Canada under age 21 suffering from long-term medical hair loss from any diagnosis. I was so happy to give my hair to a child that needed it much more than I did. This time I decided to donate to Pantene Beautiful Lengths. Their program…

  • Breakfast,  Food,  Fruit,  Fun,  Healthy

    Quinoa Flakes

    I have been totally neglecting my blog here. It is terrible and I owe an apology to RavieNomNoms. My sincerest of apologies, dear friend! My life has been hectic to say the least in the past month and I just doesn’t seem to be letting up AT ALL. Work has been…well to put it lightly. AWFUL! SAP is literally making me want to change my career path at the moment. I am so stressed at work all the time which just makes for some really really long days. I am sure the company will get through it, but right now…it is just frustrating. The new house, which I fall in…

  • Food,  Fun

    Foodie PenPals!

    Hello everyone! I decided to do the PenPal thing that I have seen like everyone and their mother doing on their blogs. When I saw it I knew I had to get involved and guess what?? It is too much fun! You are more than welcome to get involved too, if you want to just click the icon above! Van Le at ChiEATS got my named pulled from the hat so she sent me goodies this month.  She seems like a total sweetheart and her blog is super cute. She is a Texas born girl who now lives in Chicago, Illinois AND her boyfriend went to Penn State!  How great…

  • Cookies,  Dessert,  Food,  Fun

    Pinwheel Cookies

    OK so I have been totally MIA lately. BUT there is a good reason for it. Well kinda…haha The place I work has been going through a new system called SAP. OH.MY.GOSH. I had no idea how much this would absolutely stop work in its tracks but has it ever. I mean I literally spend all day spinning my tires on one simple thing. It is amazing to me! The problem is the place I work we are soooo very centered on doing A LOT of transactions in a month and we can’t do that much volume anymore with this new system. Really making things stressful and hard to complete…

  • Dessert,  Food,  Fun,  Snacks

    Bunny Booty

    Do you ever have those weeks where you wake up on Monday morning and wish it were Friday already??? I am having one of those days today. I’m just not feeling this being grown up and going to work thing. I am so over it. In an effort to try and keep myself at least a tad bit interested in this week, which I have to admit I am failing at miserably haha, I present to you Bunny Booty. No, not THAT kind of Bunny Booty… The sweet kind with popcorn and candy 🙂 This is a recipe that I saw and that was SO cute that I just had…