• Fun

    Patrick’s Birthday

    Hey all! So I have been MIA this week huh? I have been in training all week for this new system that my company is trying to implement. Kinda sucks big time, but what are you gonna do, ya know? Ever heard of SAP? No? Keep it that way. Anyways, so I wanted to tell you guys how the weekend with for Patrick’s birthday went. I know a lot of you were asking how it went and where we went, etc. We ended up going to Boston, what a great place to St. Patty’s Day right? (except for me because I gave up alcohol for Lent, still holding strong!) Patrick…

  • Bread,  Cake,  Dessert,  Food,  Fruit,  Fun

    Citrus Poppyseed Bread (for Steph’s Bakesale!)

    Today I am sharing with you a recipe that is going to be featured on Steph’s Bite by Bite. Her bake sale will be held on Friday March 2nd. So don’t forget to check it out! There are going to be a ton of yummy treats to look at, but not only look at…get to have sent to you directly if you decide to buy.  I hope you go over and check it out immediately! The bake sale will be held to help Kristi reach her TNT goal of $2,900 which will help support the efforts of Team in Training and The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society to find a cure…

  • Bread,  Fun

    Cinnamon Chip Scones

    Moms are seriously amazing. Aren’t they? They always know just how much love to give you when you need it, or just the right amount of Jell-O when your tummy hurts. They always know what kind of advice to give you (and are 9 times out of 10 right), even when you think you have it all figured out. They always know what is best for you, even though you hate what that “best for you” is. I am amazed at Moms. They are patient, wise, overwhelmingly kind and unconditionally loving. Sometimes I wonder if I could be a Mom… My friend Becci and I were having this conversation about…

  • Cookies,  Fun

    I Heart Cookies

    Gizzy is home!!! Thank you all so much for your thoughts and prayers and kind words. I know they helped him. He was in the bunny hospital for 3 days. He is home now and has some meds he has to take and he has to take it easy, but he is home. Thank Goodness! You have no idea the amount of stress I was going through while he was at the vet. That constant unknown is horrible. Man o man. I am hoping for nothing but a healthy bunny for the rest of his healthy bunny life. I think it shaved a few years off my own life to…

  • Cookies,  Food,  Fun

    Football Cookies

    How was your Superbowl Sunday? Did your team win? I wasn’t really partial to either one of the teams. I don’t care for Brady or Eli all that much. Truly, I was hoping to see the Packers in the Superbowl. Not that they are a team I follow closely, but I thought they deserved it. I am a Chiefs and Steelers fan, so both of my teams were gone long before the Superbowl. Although my Chiefs did win against the Packers so that was exciting. Not that it had any kind of bearing on the Packers at all, but delivering their first lost was definitely a proud moment for my…

  • Fish,  Food,  Fun,  Healthy,  Spicy,  Vegetables

    Fishy Quinoa

    Hello everyone…how are you this week? This week has been kinda gone fast for me so far. For a few reasons really… Patrick and I have been working to get him moved out of his apartment because we are moving in together :-), and when I say working, I mean…like we have barely done anything haha. He has to be out of his apartment by the 9th of February so we really need to get our a$$es in gear. We have done SOME, but not nearly as much as we need to. I am hoping this weekend that we can REALLLLLLY get to work and get some things moved. Wish…

  • Dessert,  Food,  Fun

    Teal Swirly-Cakes

    Hello All!Thank you all so much for putting my Sautéed Tilapia Tacos in the Top 9! What a great present for today! Because…today is a big day… I turn 27 today! Yup birthday girl here! 😀 Lucky 27, right Becci? 😉 Lots of fun things going on for me today. Some of my friends from work are taking me out to a Happy Hour after work today, which is always fun. Drinks and friends, is there anything better? I say there is not! Tomorrow, Patrick is being a doll and taking me to our favorite Sushi restaurant in Hartford called Feng. We actually had our first date there ♥ ♥.…

  • Cake,  Dessert,  Fun

    C is for Chocolate Cake?

    Is anyone else amazed that we are almost half way through January?? I am! I From October to present I feel like the duration of time has been about 2 weeks. I am flabbergasted at how fast the days are going! Today is one of my best friends birthday’s. We are exactly one week apart! (that’s right I have a birthday coming up haha). Lots of January babies in my family. She is such an amazing person and I absolutely love her to death! I have known Miss Alana (now Mrs.) since I was about 5 years old. We went to elementary school together and part of middle school as…

  • Dessert,  Food,  Fun

    The Cupcakery in St. Louis

    When I was in St. Louis  during the Christmas holiday I was introduced to The Cupcakery/Crave The Cup. Patrick’s sister, Kari, and her friends seem to have made going to this particular bakery a tradition whenever they are in town visiting from college. I think I rather like that tradition and I will tell you why… Normally when I go to bakery, I am very disappointed in the cupcakes. Come on, admit it…you have been there. You feel my pain. They look sooooo pretty and then it is such a let down when you take your first bite. I normally end up yelling with yuckie pieces of dry cupcake falling…

  • Food,  Fun

    Top 9 of 2011!

    I am TOTALLY copying right now from Kita at Pass the Sushi. Don’t worry, don’t worry…I asked her for her permission to copy her very cute idea for the Top 11 of 2011. She is always coming up with the best ideas! If you haven’t checked her out before, GO DO IT NOW! She is so creative and a real inspiration to anyone who wants something new and totally out of the box. Instead of doing the Top 11 like Kita did, I thought in respect to Foodbuzz that I would my Top 9 of 2011. It is always so exciting going to the Top 9 everyday to see who…

  • Food,  Fun,  Healthy,  Soup,  Spicy,  Vegetables

    White Turkey Chili

    Well hello there. Finally got power back last night! That brings the total to 8 days without power. Still don’t have phone or cable at my house, so that has been interesting. Just lots of movie watching going on :-). Thank goodness the power is back though. There are still some people who do not have it, so I am lucky. Remember that chili cook-off I was telling you about? It happened the night of the horrible snowstorm we had. And guess what? (no not chicken butt Patrick) I won! The chili I am sharing with you today is award winning! Ok, well not really award winning, but I did…

  • Cookies,  Food,  Fun

    Halloween Cookies

    I’d say it is about time that I posted my Halloween Cookies no? I was planning on posting them on Monday for Halloween but the current situation in the Northeast definitely prevented that. I am still without power as I am sure many people still are here in CT. It is amazing to me. Just yesterday I started seeing traffic lights starting to work again. My office building is still without power. They have us camped out in a building down the street taking space wherever we can find it. It has been a rather unproductive week, since none of us have phones. Although I found myself a pretty nice…